- 18th July 2022
- Jaguar XJS, News
- Posted by Ruth Vant
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With record temperatures expected here are some tips about running your XJS in super hot weather:
The V12 cooling system, while adequate when new, has little headroom for dealing with high temperatures, along with probably a partially clogged radiator, as is usually the case. Once the dash gauge goes over ‘N’ then one can be sure of some problems.
A common symptom is coolant being blown out of the catch tank located in the left front wing just ahead of the door. This can sometimes be rectified by replacing both radiator caps since they weaken with age and allow coolant to be vented to the catch tank too soon.
Another problem is that the steep pipe portion of the vent hose from reservoir tank to catch tank usually rusts solid and doesn’t allow coolant to expand naturally. This can cause substantial over-pressure which can cause the reservoir tank to balloon, and puts stresses on all the
- 20th March 2020
- Automakers, Commissions, Jaguar XJS, News, More Categories...
- Posted by kwecars
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- 4th January 2019
- Jaguar XJS, Technical
- Posted by kwecars
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We have written a short article on the importance of fuel cooling and the infamous V12 hot start problem here
- 14th December 2018
- Commissions, Jaguar XJS, News, Showcase
- Posted by kwecars
Once again we’ve had the pleasure of having Paul Walton of Jaguar World Magazine come to our facilities in Thatcham to test drive one of our latest Jaguar restorations. With the help of Alan, the owner of this awe inspiring machine, Paul has summed up the final product pretty well in the following article that was published in the November 18 issue of Jaguar World. We’re thankful to Alan for giving us the opportunity to restore his beloved XJR-S and wish him many happy adventures in what is now a ‘perfect’ or should I say Purrrfect JaguarSport TWR.
“A thorough restoration by model specialist KWE has resulted in one of the best examples out there.”
Perfect is an overly used word these days. When a waiter asks how our food is, we sometimes answer, “Perfect,” even if it’s not quite there. And when I go on holiday I’ll
- 8th November 2018
- Commissions, Jaguar XJS, News, Testimonials
- Posted by kwecars
- 1 Comment
We love a good review here at KWE, it’s very encouraging to know we are doing right by these wonderful cars and their owners. This is a recent review from a new customer that decided he wanted to upgrade the handling, ride and all round reliability of his XJ-S Convertible. This work included our full suspension/brakes and steering package, V12 perishable engine service, AC revamp, new convertible hood and also taking care of it’s underside rust and bodywork imperfections, plus other minor issues that needed addressing.
Here’s what David had to say:
“First – thank you for the very professional job that KWE have done on my XJ-S. I feel much more confident about driving it (and stopping it!) after the suspension and braking upgrades.
Similarly I am very happy with all the remedial work you did to the sub-frame which was clearly in rather
Jags are in her family, with her brother owning an E-type and various uncles having Mark Xs and Mark 2s throughout life, but the XJ-S was always her personal desire. She’s had to put up for many years with my love for Land Rovers of all shapes and sizes, from Series 1, 2 and 3 through to Discovery 2s and 4s, Range Rovers Series 1s and P38s plus off-roaders and finally our White Witch, a white Discovery Sport 2.2 litre with the registration W1 CHH. Sarah has dabbled with imports, via a Chevy Astro 4.0 day van, a lifted and overboard 3.2 XXS Toyota surf,
- 16th January 2018
- Jaguar XJS, News, Press
- Posted by kwecars
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The Jaguar XJ-S is one of the most stylish sports touring cars in the world. It is entirely happy to be driven daily, whilst in great comfort and class. Owning an XJ-S marks you out as an individualist with impeccable taste. The feeling of grandeur you get while sitting in the cockpit wrapped in fine leather, wood and wool. Driving one makes you feel like you’re the king of the road, especially with KWE’s perfected steering, brakes and suspension set-up, ensuring you stay flat and
- 20th October 2017
- Events, Jaguar XJS, News, Press
- Posted by kwecars
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It’s been a while since our last exhibition, so we are thrilled to announce that KWE will exhibiting at the NEC Classic Motor Show on the 10th – 12th November.
We will be showcasing our fully restored XJS V12 Convertible, which underwent a complete restoration.
We look forward to seeing you there, come and visit us at our stand (2-455), we will be located in hall 2 stand 455 near the Silverstone auction.
If you haven’t already, book your tickets on the NEC website: http://www.necclassicmotorshow.com/
Download a printable floorpan map of the NEC to help you find us better
- 15th June 2017
- Jaguar XJS, News
- Posted by kwecars
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Following the UK general election the result of who will be running the country was quite literally hanging in the balance. We look at how this could benefit international classic car buyers looking to get their hands on a beautifully restored Jaguar XJS.
The one thing we can see for sure is the effect that the election has had on the exchange market. Before the election the pound was slowly rising following Brexit and the flash crash in October 2016, which saw a higher demand for British classic cars from international buyers.
Now the pound has dropped further again making British classic cars over 10% more affordable to U.S. and European buyers than this time last year.
Why Jaguar XJS?
The XJS may not initially have been the most popular Jaguar, due to some questionable build quality and the hard-lined style that took some time
- 26th January 2017
- Jaguar XJS, Products
- Posted by kwecars
At KWE, we find that most classic car owners prefer the features of modern in-car audio systems, but not many customers are satisfied with the way modern head units look once fitted.
In cars built in the 90s onwards it is common to have non-standard single DIN units whose apertures, when removed, will not suit standalone aftermarket units. This Jaguar XK8 is a good example of a modern headunit that can’t be retro-fitted with an aftermarket Bluetooth unit.
While the FM radio facility has not changed much in the last 40 years, the sources of recorded music have. We started with 8 track cartridges followed by cassettes. The digital age produced CDs and devices such as the Apple iPod and MP3 music files capable of being stored on a USB memory stick. Advances in technology now allow drivers to stream directly from a smartphone to the headunit via Bluetooth.
But what if you want to